Kronologisk oversigt over artikler, der kan hentes fra LifeInDenmark
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Share your ATP information
(ArticleID: 12007)
Unemployment benefits
(ArticleID: 9926)
(ArticleID: 9439)
(ArticleID: 9459)
Top 25 Dictionary of official terms
(ArticleID: 10138)
Electricity consumption
(ArticleID: 9315)
Nordic citizens and Danish citizenship
(ArticleID: 9592)
The acquisition of Danish citizenship by children
(ArticleID: 9309)
Guidance on how to apply for Danish citizenship
(ArticleID: 9593)
Rules on double taxation
(ArticleID: 9440)
Temporary or permanent import of a motor vehicle
(ArticleID: 9290)
If you have a student loan
(ArticleID: 11200)
If you’ve received more SU than you are entitled to
(ArticleID: 11199)
Childcare facilities for young children
(ArticleID: 9408)
Rules for daycare facilities
(ArticleID: 9600)
Income-based daycare subsidy, sibling subsidy and other subsidies
(ArticleID: 9407)
After-school centres and youth clubs
(ArticleID: 9427)
After-school schemes and childcare centres
(ArticleID: 9587)
ICS South in Odense
(ArticleID: 10258)
State Pension
(ArticleID: 9298)
Employment as civil servant (“tjenestemand”)
(ArticleID: 9484)
Residence in Denmark for Nordic citizens
(ArticleID: 11594)
Residence in Denmark for non-EU/EEA citizens
(ArticleID: 9490)
Residence in Denmark for EU/EEA/Swiss citizens
(ArticleID: 9870)
ICS West in Aarhus
(ArticleID: 10260)
ICS Sønderborg
(ArticleID: 11023)
ICS North in Aalborg
(ArticleID: 10259)
ICS Esbjerg
(ArticleID: 11028)
ICS East in Copenhagen
(ArticleID: 10257)
Danish language training
(ArticleID: 9306)
Artistic education in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9546)
Pilotage and certificates of recognition
(ArticleID: 9497)
Complain about carriers and complaints that are not handled by other national authorities
(ArticleID: 9496)
Commercial Diving in Denmark and Greenland
(ArticleID: 9498)
Certificate of recognition
(ArticleID: 9491)
Disability pension
(ArticleID: 9297)
Danish state pension when you live abroad
(ArticleID: 10836)
Partial pension
(ArticleID: 9303)
Home care
(ArticleID: 9588)
Change address
(ArticleID: 11458)
A general introduction to the Danish tax system
(ArticleID: 9442)
Finding and taking a job
(ArticleID: 9453)
Lower secondary boarding schools
(ArticleID: 9590)
Conditions for foreign citizens’ acquisition of Danish citizenship
(ArticleID: 9311)
Sickness benefits for an unemployed member of an unemployment insurance fund (a-kasse)
(ArticleID: 10109)
Sickness benefits for a self-employed
(ArticleID: 10108)
Sickness benefits for a salary earner
(ArticleID: 10107)
Resident deposit loans
(ArticleID: 11141)
Financial support from the municipality
(ArticleID: 11143)
Private schools
(ArticleID: 9586)
The school board
(ArticleID: 9538)
School-home cooperation
(ArticleID: 9431)
Enrolment to start school
(ArticleID: 9433)
School transport
(ArticleID: 9430)
Framework for the primary school
(ArticleID: 9432)
Municipal primary and lower secondary school tests
(ArticleID: 9598)
Test and dialogue-tool for messages
(ArticleID: 9428)
Certificate of criminal record
(ArticleID: 11844)
Unpaid wages when posted to Denmark
(ArticleID: 9460)
Separation and divorce
(ArticleID: 9412)
General adult education
(ArticleID: 9540)
Travel guarantee when using the metro
(ArticleID: 9285)
Compulsory liability insurance for motor vehicles
(ArticleID: 10091)
Education contribution
(ArticleID: 9413)
Confirmation clothing allowance
(ArticleID: 9411)
Child support
(ArticleID: 9414)
Early retirement pension
(ArticleID: 10834)
Tax matters and what taxes are spent on
(ArticleID: 9441)
Working as an appointed building expert
(ArticleID: 9458)
Working with professional fireworks (certified pyrotechnician)
(ArticleID: 9457)
Working as a cable installer and pipe fitter
(ArticleID: 9455)
Working as a technically responsible person (asbestos demolition)
(ArticleID: 11760)
Working as an operating manager of electrical plants
(ArticleID: 9456)
Recognition of foreign qualifications
(ArticleID: 9452)
Unemployment benefit from home country
(ArticleID: 10261)
Renting a home
(ArticleID: 9313)
The Danish National Contact Points
(ArticleID: 9599)
The public consumer complaints system
(ArticleID: 9292)
2-year legal warranty
(ArticleID: 9295)
Fourteen-day cooling-off period
(ArticleID: 9296)
Support in connection with birth, maternity and naming, including christening
(ArticleID: 9336)
Working as a technically responsible person within the plumbing and sanitation area
(ArticleID: 9596)
Working as a technically responsible person within the gas field
(ArticleID: 9595)
Working as a technically responsible person (sewage installations)
(ArticleID: 9597)
Working as a technically responsible person (electric installations)
(ArticleID: 9594)
If you wish to get married in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9409)
Foreign state pension when you live in Denmark
(ArticleID: 10835)
SU – State Educational Grant
(ArticleID: 9422)
Child and youth benefits
(ArticleID: 9335)
MitID – Denmark’s national eID
(ArticleID: 10887)
(ArticleID: 9449)
Цифрові послуги у Данії
(ArticleID: 10853)
Mandatory self-service
(ArticleID: 11821)
Digital Post
(ArticleID: 9447)
(ArticleID: 11142)
Select municipality on
(ArticleID: 10923)
Benefits Validation - Udbetaling Danmark
(ArticleID: 9445)
Housing benefits
(ArticleID: 9314)
Senior Pension
(ArticleID: 10116)
Tax on Danish and non-Danish pensions
(ArticleID: 9558)
Pension scheme for civil servants
(ArticleID: 9566)
Application steps to higher education
(ArticleID: 9614)
Technical school-leaving examination – htx
(ArticleID: 9435)
Vocational education and training – VET courses
(ArticleID: 9585)
Admission to higher education in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9420)
Higher Commercial Examination Programme – hhx
(ArticleID: 9436)
Higher Preparatory Examination – HF – with or without supplements
(ArticleID: 9589)
Energy performance certification of buildings
(ArticleID: 9607)
Entering Denmark from another state
(ArticleID: 9603)
Health insurance when posted to Denmark
(ArticleID: 9608)
Cross-border worker and health insurance
(ArticleID: 9610)
Purchase of public healthcare services in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9319)
Treatment in private hospitals and clinics in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9331)
Do you need medical treatment during a temporary stay in Denmark?
(ArticleID: 9601)
Health insurance card app
(ArticleID: 10947)
How the Danish healthcare system works
(ArticleID: 9321)
Preventive healthcare services for children and adolescents
(ArticleID: 9584)
Healthcare when working in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9604)
Health insurance cover when living abroad as a pensioner
(ArticleID: 9300)
Social security cover when working abroad
(ArticleID: 9450)
Blue European health insurance card
(ArticleID: 9324)
Protection of your personal data in the new Digital Post as of 21 March 2022
(ArticleID: 10838)
Read about personal data
(ArticleID: 10547)
Taxation on purchase and sale of real property
(ArticleID: 9443)
How to complain about healthcare treatment
(ArticleID: 9602)
How to apply for compensation for malpractice or pharmaceutical injuries
(ArticleID: 9611)
Preventative health services
(ArticleID: 9583)
Maternity and parental leave
(ArticleID: 9486)
Social assistance
(ArticleID: 11144)
(ArticleID: 9405)
(ArticleID: 9406)
Working hours
(ArticleID: 9478)
The Higher General Education Programme – stx
(ArticleID: 9434)
Getting around
(ArticleID: 9283)
Gas consumption
(ArticleID: 9605)
Heating for consumers
(ArticleID: 9591)
Elections in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9293)
When someone dies
(ArticleID: 9328)
How to obtain a driving licence in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9282)
Health insurance card
(ArticleID: 9323)
(ArticleID: 24)
Purchase and sale of a motor vehicle
(ArticleID: 9289)
Subsidies for internships and traineeships abroad
(ArticleID: 9424)
Protection of name and address
(ArticleID: 11151)
(ArticleID: 10955)
Hazardous waste
(ArticleID: 11136)
Building waste
(ArticleID: 11135)
Household costs
(ArticleID: 9316)
Practical matters to attend to when arriving
(ArticleID: 9308)
Practical matters before leaving
(ArticleID: 11695)
Non-discrimination and equal treatment
(ArticleID: 9487)
Radio Medical Denmark
(ArticleID: 9495)
Access to regulated professions
(ArticleID: 9454)
Education for adults with dyslexia
(ArticleID: 9438)
Building permit
(ArticleID: 11212)
Conditions of employment
(ArticleID: 9493)
Complain about working and living conditions
(ArticleID: 9564)
Travel time guarantee when using regional trains or S-trains – DSB
(ArticleID: 9284)
Travel (time) guarantee when using regional trains or Vestbanen – GoCollective
(ArticleID: 9286)
Technical issues at
(ArticleID: 11750)
Healthcare data, medical and dental records
(ArticleID: 11459)
Continuing Vocational Education and Training – CVET (AMU in Danish)
(ArticleID: 9565)
The Danish Labour Market Model
(ArticleID: 9481)
Certificate of Personal Data
(ArticleID: 10886)
Employment contracts
(ArticleID: 9482)
Residence in a cross-border family situation
(ArticleID: 9334)
Purchasing real property
(ArticleID: 9312)
If you wish to receive planned treatment in Denmark
(ArticleID: 9318)
7-point grading scale
(ArticleID: 9557)
Disability assistance when travelling with public transport in Denmark – GoCollective
(ArticleID: 9288)
Facts about Denmark
(ArticleID: 9305)
Transporting a deceased person abroad
(ArticleID: 11563)
Disability assistance when travelling with public transport in Denmark – DSB
(ArticleID: 9287)
Social security for seafaring citizens
(ArticleID: 9492)
Occupational health
(ArticleID: 9494)
Prescriptions issued in other EU/EEA countries
(ArticleID: 9869)
Nursing homes
(ArticleID: 11213)
Culture and association activities
(ArticleID: 9304)
Special rules on cross-border workers
(ArticleID: 9556)
Tax situation for inheritance from family member residing abroad
(ArticleID: 9446)
Report undesirable effects from the use of cosmetic products
(ArticleID: 9613)
Payment for water and sewage
(ArticleID: 9606)
Health insurance when living in Denmark but working abroad
(ArticleID: 9609)
Danish-identifying residents of Southern Schleswig
(ArticleID: 9548)
Complain about violations of the Working Environment Act
(ArticleID: 9576)
(ArticleID: 9294)
Types of employment
(ArticleID: 9477)
Resignation and termination
(ArticleID: 9479)
Posted workers
(ArticleID: 9480)
(ArticleID: 9483)
Sick leave
(ArticleID: 9485)
Absence from school
(ArticleID: 9429)
Visitation in a cross-border family situation
(ArticleID: 9333)
Counselling by a child expert in the event of a break-up
(ArticleID: 9416)
If you wish to get married abroad
(ArticleID: 9410)
Custody of minor children in a cross-border family situation
(ArticleID: 9332)
Special needs education for adults
(ArticleID: 9437)
Property assessments and property taxes
(ArticleID: 11201)
Do you want to adopt a child from the family?
(ArticleID: 9417)
Payment of compensation for occupational diseases
(ArticleID: 9489)
Do you wish to adopt a child whom you do not know beforehand?
(ArticleID: 9418)
Do you wish to adopt your spouse or partner’s child?
(ArticleID: 9419)
Conflict mediation
(ArticleID: 9415)
Flexi job scheme
(ArticleID: 9301)
Accidents at work and occupational diseases
(ArticleID: 9488)
VEU allowance for occupation oriented adult and further education
(ArticleID: 9425)